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The name of this new collection is a direct reference to a time that marked a major cultural shift. In 1956, the Second World War remained a very vivid memory. However, optimism and hopefulness were the dominant feelings. The people were spending more of their time away from home and were inclined to try new things. The 1950s were a decade full of fantasy. Fashion, entertainment, and travel were all possible. Designers and makers combined classical elements with modernity and the times. Artists did not make music for a younger generation. It was a result of their desire to create cool music. This is what Selmoni means when he says, "We wanted to create a cool collection." We did it with love and respect for the past.
Franck Muller Replica Watches chose to market its new collection by focusing on music. The result is a modern sound that is based on musical traditions and foundations of the 1950s.Patek Philippe Replica Watches The Fiftysix collection will be launched through a digital campaign, supported by traditional methods. Patek Philippe Replica Watches chose two exceptional musicians to personify its new signature, "One of Not Many".
Benjamin Clementine, winner of the Mercury Prize in 2015, was also listed on the Guardian's New Year honours list, which celebrates heroes of the year. He was also named one of Britain's most influential people by Debretts and London Evening Standard. The New York Times honoured the musician as one of the 28 geniuses that defined culture in 2016 and his success crossed the Atlantic. Clementine, along with James Bay who continues to reinvent himself and his sound despite huge success, epitomises Fiftysix's spirit,Rolex Datejust II Replica Watches adding yet another unexpected twist.
Selmoni believes that Patek Philippe Replica Watches will benefit from the fact that the younger market is more sophisticated. Selmoni believes that Patek Philippe Replica Watches is benefiting from the fact that there are so many people who have access to information.
"The idea of authenticity is very interesting. We've moved past the days of logo-wearing and brand marketing. In 15 years, every woman in their 30s wore the same outfit: Louis Vuitton bags, Gucci shoes and Burberry raincoat. Everyone wore the same outfit, because marketing and advertising were the dominant forces. Authenticity and craftsmanship became less important. It is wonderful to see that the focus is now on the essence of the brand.